Understanding Pay vs Charge rates
The shift charge rate is the hourly base rate that Clipboard Health charges facilities for shifts booked through our marketplace. We give you the flexibility to adjust the amount you're willing to pay so you can modify the pay rate for a shift without updating your facility's contractual rates.
While Clipboard Health allows you to adjust the shift charge rate to better align with market demands, the pay rate that workers see is calculated based on several factors, including the time to shift start, marketplace conditions, and other variables. As the exact pay rate is determined by an algorithm, we recommend setting a competitive charge rate to ensure your shift attracts workers.
This guide will explain when it may be beneficial to increase or decrease the charge rate for a shift, how to make those adjustments, and what to expect in terms of Extra-Time Pay, cancellations, and invoices when you make one-time changes to the charge rate(s).
This feature is not currently to facilities in Massachusetts. Please refer to our Rate Negotiations guide instead.
Which account users can edit the charge rate?
This option is visible to those with an Administrator user role. Administrators can also enable the option for Staffing Coordinators to edit the charge rate.
To enable this feature for a user with the Staffing Coordinator role:
Please note that support agents cannot process rate change requests for users outside of these specific roles. For assistance adding or removing this feature from your facility account, please contact our Customer Support Team. This may be subject to your facility contract terms.
Edit Shift Rate - Web instructions
Note: If you would like to increase the charge rate for all future posted shifts, please contact us using this form so we can make the required adjustments.
If you would like to add to the rate of a shift that has already been filled, please contact Customer Support.
Edit Shift Rate - Mobile instructions:
Note: If you would like to increase the charge rate for all future posted shifts, please contact us using this form so we can make the required adjustments.
If you would like to add to the rate of a shift that has already been filled, please contact Customer Support.
When should I adjust my charge rate?
If you believe that your contractual rate is lower than what is required by current market conditions, or you'd like to incentivize filling a particular shift - we recommend adjusting your charge rate.
Note: It is not possible to reduce your rate below your base contractual rate (minimum hourly base rate you pay CBH for that type of shift per your facility's contract.
What happens if I cancel a shift that has an adjusted charge rate?
For booked shifts, any applicable cancellation fee will be based on your adjusted charge rate instead of your default rate.
There is never a fee to cancel an unfilled shift.
Will changing my charge rate impact Extra-Time Pay?
For accounts who have Clipboard's Extra-Time Pay enabled, the bonus amount will be based on the adjusted charge rate instead of your default rate.
Can we update rates after a worker has picked up the shift?
No. You can only increase the rates of shifts that are unfilled. If you would like to increase a worker’s hourly rate for a shift already claimed, you can give the worker a bonus or increase the workers pay rate by reaching out to Support.
How will this appear on my invoice?
When you adjust a charge rate, your invoice will reflect the new rate that was selected. This will include a line-item that details who made the change, the day the change was made, along with how much the rate was changed.