Clipboard Health cannot provide you with tax advice nor can we verify the accuracy of any publicly available tax guidance online. As an independent contractor, you are responsible for paying all applicable taxes. This page by the US Internal Revenue Service is a good place to start learning about complying with your tax obligations. Consider consulting a tax professional for additional information.
All professionals who book shifts on the Clipboard Health marketplace are independent contractors. As a result, Clipboard Health does not deduct taxes from payments it makes to professionals providing services on Clipboard's marketplace. As a result, you may have to pay taxes when you file your annual income tax return. Additionally, you may be able to receive tax deductions on expenses incurred in connection with your work.
Clipboard reports your earnings as required by the IRS via a 1099-NEC form.
Important to keep in mind:
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a 1099-NEC tax form?
1099-NEC forms are federal income tax information forms used to report earnings and proceeds other than wages, salaries, and tips (which are reported on the federal W-2 form). The forms are filed with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and, if required, state tax departments. A 1099-NEC form summarizes a professional's earnings as an independent contractor in the US. It’s provided to you, the IRS, and some US states if you earn $600 or more in 2024. If you're a professional working in the Clipboard Health Marketplace, you'll need this form to file your taxes.
How do I obtain a 1099-NEC tax form?
The only tax form eligible professionals will receive is the 1099-NEC, which is ONLY for professionals who earn $600 or more on the platform in 2024. Professionals who earn less will NOT receive a 1099 form. Tax forms will be sent by Stripe in January.
How will tax forms be delivered?
Eligible professionals who earned over $600 in 2024 will receive an email invite to collect paperless delivery consent, asking you to update your tax information by mid-January 2025. The email subject line is “Get your Clipboard Health 2024 tax forms faster by enabling e-delivery”. If you do not receive the email invitation before mid-January but earned $600 or more in 2024 on Clipboard Health, contact Clipboard Health support by clicking here. Please note that you will only receive a 1099-NEC if you earned $600 or more in 2024.
How do I update my tax information?
If you’re looking to update your Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), which would be either your Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN), please note that you will first need to create a Stripe Express account using the invitation sent to you. If you have already created your account and have access to your e-copy of your 1099-NEC, please follow these steps:
- Go to the "Platform Settings".
- Select the arrow →.
- Select the pencil icon under "Personal Details" to edit the Social Security Number or Employer Identification Number.
Please note:
- If you don’t consent to e-delivery by mid-January 2025, Stripe will automatically mail your 1099 tax form to the address on file, so it’s critical that your information is current, correct, and complete.
- You can still update your information via Stripe Express after mid-January 2025 and download your 1099 electronically. However, you will not be mailed a new paper copy of your 1099 tax form.
- Any update to your information after January 2025 will not apply to 2024 1099 forms but will apply to forms created for the 2025 tax year.
How can I download my 1099 tax form?
If you create a Stripe Express account and agree to paperless delivery, Stripe will email you to let you know when your 1099 tax form is available for download via Stripe Express. If you don’t agree to paperless delivery, Stripe will mail you a paper copy of your 1099 tax form instead. Finally, you can also download your tax form in the Tax forms tab of the Stripe Express website.
What do I do if did not receive the invitation email from Stripe?
Professionals who earned more than $600 in 2024 should receive email invitations from Stripe by mid-January 2025. Emails will be sent out in phases to eligible professionals starting in December 2024. If you did not receive an invitation from Stripe but believe you should have received one based on your 2024 earnings, please check the following:
- Check your spam and deleted folders. The subject of the email is “Get your Clipboard Health 2024 tax forms faster by enabling e-delivery”.
- Confirm that you have the correct email address added to your Clipboard Health account.
- Confirm whether you earned $600 or more on Clipboard Health in 2024. If you earned less than $600 in 2024, you will not receive a 1099-NEC form or the Stripe invitation. You can do so by checking the question below: How can I get my 2024 Clipboard Health earnings history?
Important: If you confirmed all of the above, please contact Clipboard Health support by clicking here.
How do I contact Stripe or Clipboard Health for more help?
If you still need help, please contact Stripe support. To contact Clipboard Health support, click here. We recommend looking through the 1099 tax forms resource pages.
How do I log in to my Stripe Express account?
You can log in to your account by visiting Stripe Express, where you’ll be prompted for your email address and 6-digit phone verification code to log in.
Please note that in order to log into your Stripe Express account, you would have had to accept the Stripe Express invitation that will be sent to you via email. If you have issues logging in after creating an account, please click here. -
I can no longer access the phone number I signed up with. How do I log in to my Stripe Express account?
If you’ve lost or updated your phone number, you can select the “I no longer have access to this phone number” option to authenticate via email and change your phone number.
Why is Stripe requesting my Social Security number (SSN), Employer Identification Number (EIN), or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)?
Your SSN, EIN, or ITIN is required to file your 1099 tax form with the IRS and relevant state tax authorities.
What payments and charges are included in my 1099 total?
Your 1099 includes any payments made during the 2024 calendar year. It also includes any InstantPay fees ($2.99 per withdrawal) within your total earnings. As an example, if you work a shift that earned $102.99, but you paid a $2.99 InstantPay fee to withdraw your funds instantly, your take home would be $100, and the 1099 would report $102.99 accordingly.
If you still have questions or discrepancies, you may request the list of transactions that was used as the basis for calculation of your Form 1099-NEC income by filling out this form. You may also contact Clipboard Health Support via our webforms or the in-app chat with any questions you may have.
Why does my 1099 look different from my proof of earnings?
There are two reasons for differences between the proof of earnings page and the reported income on Form 1099-NEC.
First, your 1099 includes any InstantPay fees within your total earnings. The proof-of-earnings page excludes those fees from the reported total.Second, in line with IRS guidance, your 1099 is calculated using the timestamp for when payment was actually delivered to your Stripe account. Meanwhile, the Proof of Earnings page displays earnings based on the date the shift was worked.
Example:If you worked a NOC shift that started on December 31st, 2023, but payment was received on January 1st, 2024, it would be included in your 2024 1099. However, it would not appear in your Proof of Earnings report generated for 2024, since the shift started in 2023. You can request a copy of the list of transactions used as the basis for calculation of your reported Form 1099-NEC income by filling out this form.
I no longer work shifts through Clipboard Health. Will I receive a tax form for the shifts I worked?
Clipboard partners with Stripe to file 1099 tax forms that report your earnings or sales activity. If you are eligible to receive a 1099-NEC tax form for the shifts worked during 2024, Stripe will send you a link to access your 1099 tax form (or mail a paper form if you prefer) after the tax forms are finalized.
I cannot log in to my Clipboard Health Account. It says that my account is deactivated. How will I get my tax form for the shifts I worked?
Clipboard partners with Stripe to file 1099 tax forms that report your earnings or sales activity. If you are eligible to receive a 1099-NEC tax form for the shifts worked during 2024, Stripe will send you a link to access your 1099 tax form (or mail a paper form if you prefer) after the tax forms are finalized. You don't need access to the Clipboard Health platform to access your tax forms.