A negative balance on your Stripe account is most likely to happen when there was a discrepancy between the hours you were paid for a shift and the verified hours on your timesheet.
The most common scenario looks something like this:
- You worked an InstantPay shift and mistakenly logged 8 hours through your in-app timecard, but your signed timesheet confirms you actually worked only 6.5 hours.
- Since your in-app timecard shows 8 hours, you get paid for an 8 hour shift.
- Meanwhile your timesheet awaits verification, you cash out on the shift for 8 hours of work and transfer the funds from Stripe into your personal account.
- At the moment of verification, your timesheet reflects only 6.5 hours were worked instead of 8.
- There is now a 1.5 hour discrepancy.
So what happens next?
Since you already cashed out on an 8 hour shift (when you were only meant to be paid for 6.5 hours) the 1.5 hour difference would be deducted from your Stripe balance at the shift's hourly rate.
If the shift was listed at $25/hr, this means you cashed out $200 for an 8 hour shift. The 1.5 hour difference would be $37.50, which means your Stripe account would now show -$37.50.
A total of $37.50 would be deducted from your next shift's payment in order to make up for the mistakenly overdrawn amount of $37.50. This does not mean you are getting paid any less, you are simply making up for the previously withdrawn funds that were not owed to you, as verified by your timesheet.
If you are experiencing a negative balance that was not initiated by a scenario like the one above, please contact our support team for assistance.