Your timesheet must be signed in order for it to be compliant and approved for payment. If you forgot to get your timesheet signed, you can resolve the issue by following the steps below.
You can download and print a timesheet from this guide. Please ensure you use a CDPH 530 form if you are in California.
In person
- Go back to the facility with your completed timesheet.
- Ask the authorized signatory to sign your timesheet.
If you don't know who the authorized signatory is, ask the facility through the facility-chat.
- Contact the facility through the facility-chat feature and send a digital copy of your timesheet (a clear photo will do).
- Ask the facility to manually sign and return the timesheet so that you can get paid.
Note: You cannot submit a digital signature. The authorized signatory will need to print and manually sign the timesheet before sending it back to you via the chat or in-person.
No-sign facilities
Some of our facilities don't require you to sign the timesheet to certify you worked there. If you are unsure, double-check with the person in charge of your shift.
- For shifts at facilities that don't require a signature, you can simply finish your shift on the Clipboard Health app when you are done working.
- Your shift will get verified by other means and you don't need to worry about uploading any timesheet to us.
For facilities that use digital signatures, please reference this guide here. For facilities that use NFC tags, please reference this guide here.