If you are scheduled to work a shift and need to cancel, we recommend doing so as soon as possible to minimize the applicable point deduction on your Score. We encourage you to read up on How Attendance Score works to understand how cancellations will impact your account.
How to cancel a shift
- Open the Clipboard Health app
- Select My Shifts
- Select the shift you need to cancel
Click the Cancel Shift button at the bottom of the screen
- Here you will be able to view the Score deduction (if any), and your new score
- Click the red “Cancel shift” button
- Click "Confirm"
Accidental bookings
As of September 12th, 2024, all professionals have 5 minutes to cancel an accidental booking so long as you cancel the shift at least 8 hours before the shift's start time.
There will be an “Undo booking” button in place of the “Cancellation” button with a countdown representing the remaining time you have to cancel without penalty. Tap the undo button and confirm your cancellation within 5 minutes to cancel an accidental booking without penalty.
If you cancel a shift more than 5 minutes after booking or within 8 hours of the shift's start time, your Score will be penalized and you will not be able to dispute it. Please see our Attendance Score rules for more information on how cancellations impact your account.