Your Social Security Number (SSN) is used to perform your background check and allows us stay compliant with two important exclusion lists (OIG and SAM).
What is OIG and SAM?
These are government entities that maintain lists of individuals with prior violations that prohibit them from working in healthcare, for the safety and health of patients.
Who will receive your SSN?
With your permission, your SSN is only provided to the following official government organizations and accredited background check institutions.
- OIG and SAM public exclusion lists
Checkr, our partner background check service
background check and quality assurance programs
How do we keep your information secure?
Your SSN is kept safe through encryption, which means we run it through a transformation process that uses a private key to “convert” your SSN into a series of letters and numbers, making it virtually unrecognizable. Even we can’t see more than the last 4 digits in your profile - if we were to look at your SSN in our database, we would see something like this:
When your SSN is passed along to one of the institutions listed above, your private key automatically reproduces the original format. This means a recognizable version of your SSN is never stored in our database at any time.