PLEASE NOTE: Pre-Booking Quizzes may NOT cover every rule in a workplace's important information section. You are still responsible for following all workplace rules. Passing the quiz does not exempt you from reading and following all workplace rules.
This feature is available to all Long Term Care facilities and Schools
How does this impact my ability to book a shift?
When you attempt to book a shift at a workplace with a quiz, there will be a pop up stating that you need to pass a quiz before doing so. By clicking 'continue' you'll be directed to the information that you need to know about the workplace.
Once you've read the information and click 'start quiz', you will then see a quiz based on the information you read. Tap the circle that corresponds to your answer selection and when you've made a selection for each answer you'll be able to tap "Finish" to submit your response.
- In most cases, there will be 5 multiple choice questions and you'll need to answer at least 4 correctly to book the quiz. In cases where there are more than 5 questions you'll need to answer at least 80% of the questions correctly.
Why do I need to take the quiz again after passing it?
If a workplace updates their information, you will be required to take the quiz again to ensure that you’re aware of the latest practices and expectations. This ensures both you and the workplace are set up for success.
Additionally, if it has been more than a month since you last worked at the workplace, you will be asked to retake the quiz. This is to confirm that you still remember key information, as workplace practices can sometimes change over time.
What if I can’t pass a quiz / How many times can I take a quiz?
If you do not pass the quiz, there will be an option to retake. You can retake a quiz as many times as needed to pass. If you don't pass the first time we suggest reviewing the workplace information and trying again.