The status of your account directly impacts your ability to see, book, and keep shifts on your calendar that are posted on Clipboard's marketplace.
The four account statuses are:
- Enrolled
- Restricted
- Deactivated
- Under Review
Continue reading to learn about each account status and its significance in Clipboard’s marketplace.
An enrolled account: has an Attendance Score above zero, and may book shifts at any facility where they meet those shifts’ requirements.
If your account status is currently Enrolled but you don't see any shifts, follow these instructions to troubleshoot your issue.
To enroll your account, all required documents must be uploaded and verified. Go here to view document requirements by professional type and according to state.
Update {{info-start}} Please note: this update currently only applies to users in the following areas:
{{info-stop}} The starting Attendance Score in the above area has changed to 30 points. will now start at 30 points and reset to 30 after an account restriction.
A restricted account has an Attendance Score of zero or lower, which may restrict the account’s ability to book or keep already booked shifts on a facility-specific basis. When an account enters restricted status:
- It will only be able to see and book shifts, or keep previously booked shifts, at facilities that have added it to their Favorites list by giving it a rating of 4 or 5 stars.
- Restricted accounts do not earn Attendance Score points. If your account is restricted, your account's Attendance Score will be reset to 100 points when the account restriction is lifted.
- You will see the following banner at the bottom of your calendar:
If you do not see any shifts on your calendar while you are restricted, it may be because you have not been Favorited (or rated at all) by any facilities. Learn how to see which facilities have marked you as a Favorite here.
Note: If your account is restricted and a facility rates you 4 or 5 stars, it will immediately restore your account’s ability to see and book shifts at that facility. This does not apply to facilities that have liked your profile without giving you a rating. To have access to a facilities shift while restricted, you need to have a 4 or 5 star rating from the facility.
When an account is deactivated, it can no longer book any shift posted on Clipboard’s marketplace, and any previously booked shifts will be removed from the account’s calendar. Accounts may be deactivated for any violation of our Terms of Service.
Under Review
Clipboard occasionally reviews accounts to help improve the experience of the users of Clipboard’s marketplace. An account may be placed under review if it engages in suspicious activity involving cancellations or activity otherwise negatively impacting the experience of other marketplace users. If this occurs, you will receive an email from, and your account will be unable to book new shifts during the review period.
Please reply directly to the email you receive from with any questions regarding your account’s review – our Customer Support Team will not be able to assist with account review-related questions. You can read more about account reviews in our Terms of Service.