Using Clipboard Health’s new Rate Negotiation feature, professionals can now propose their preferred pay rate within Clipboard Health’s app for shifts at participating facilities.
How do I know if rate negotiations are available at a facility?
If facility rate negotiations are available, you'll see the option to "Propose new Rate" on the shift booking for the facility. Rate negotiations are not available at all facilities, but if rate negotiations are available, you'll see the "Propose new Rate" option on the Shift Card.
When can I negotiate my rate for a shift?
You can use the rate negotiation feature when you see “Propose New Rate” in green when viewing a shift. Clicking on “Propose New Rate” will initiate a negotiation between you and the facility, allowing you and the facility to decide on the rate that works best for both parties.
Throughout the negotiation, you will have the option to book the shift at the posted shift rate at any time.
Note that if you already canceled a shift after booking it or it otherwise has been removed from your in-app calendar, you will not be able to propose a new rate for that specific shift.
What happens when I propose a new rate?
Proposing a new rate will send your proposal to the facility and start a negotiation. During the negotiation, the facility may send a new proposal back to you, end the negotiation, or accept the proposal.
If you receive a new proposal from a facility, you can accept the offer, end the negotiation, or continue the negotiation by proposing another rate.
If the facility accepts your proposal or you accept a rate proposal response from a facility, you will be booked to the shift at the accepted rate. The shift will appear in your calendar with the updated shift rate.
Can I propose a pay rate for two or more shifts with conflicting times at different facilities?
Yes, you may negotiate the pay rate of more than one shift at a time. However, once a pay rate has been successfully negotiated, the app will automatically end any open negotiations for shifts that have a start or end-time within 30 minutes of the shift that has successfully been negotiated.
Example: If you or the facility approves a shift pay rate proposal for a shift scheduled from 9 AM - 6 PM, any open negotiations for shifts that have a start or end-time within 30 minutes of 9 AM or 6 PM will be automatically closed.
Can I negotiate a new rate for a shift if the negotiation ended or was rejected?
No, if you proposed a rate for a shift and the negotiation ended or it was rejected, you cannot start a new rate negotiation for the same shift.
How can I check the status of my negotiated rate?
You can access your negotiations and their status directly through the mobile app by selecting My Shifts > Shifts In Negotiation. Shifts will be visible for 24 hours after the negotiation has ended.
Can another professional book a shift that I am negotiating a pay rate for?
Yes. If this happens, you will see a notification to that effect on the shift in your Shifts In Negotiation page.
What happens if a facility does not respond to my shift rate negotiation request?
A negotiation will automatically end 24 hours before the shift is scheduled to start, even if the facility has not yet responded to your request. You can still book the shift at the originally posted rate, as long as it has not been booked by another professional.
How will I know when the facility responds to my rate negotiation request?
You will be notified via email, SMS, or Push Notification each time a facility responds to your proposal. Change your account preferences if you would like to make changes to these notifications.
Will a negotiated shift rate apply to all future shifts at that facility?
No. Negotiated shift rates will only apply to one shift.